Sunday, February 3, 2008

PCOS and infertility

Well, for three years, at least, my husband and I have been trying to conceive. Our attempts have been unsuccessful, and there is a possibility that we have had more than one miscarriage. PCOS is currently the leading cause of infertility in women of reproductive age, which means it is more important than people make it out to be.

Currently, studies estimate that women with PCOS have about a 45% miscarriage rate. The unbalanced hormone and insulin levels can contribute to this, but the exact causes of pregnancy problems and infertility are not certain.

Last August, we began fertility treatments. We had a dye test done, which came back normal. That ruled out endometriosis or any other blockage. Chris had the full round of tests two years ago, and the doctors did not feel it necessary to repeat because he was completely normal (and even above average in some areas). They had all my records from my other doctors, so no more tests were needed. We started out on clomid. Then we added in an HCG shot to jump start ovulation. A post-coital test revealed that there were no active, living sperm in the specimen within 4 hours, which shows I might have a sperm anti-body (which has not come back yet in a test). After two failed IUI (intrauterine inseminations) rounds, our next option was injectibles. Unfortunately, insurance doesn't pay for this fully. HALF would be $1500 out of our own pockets, and it isn't gauranteed.

We looked into adoption, but we don't know where we would find the money to adopt; it is so expensive! We'd love to give a good home to a child who doesn't have one, but we can't afford the fees that come along with it.

We're still trying on our own, but I'm feeling like I'll never be a mom. I can't stand to see any pregnant people anymore. I can't stand to talk about it with other people, and I can't stand to hear anyone close to me talk about trying to get pregnant. I am so devastated, I can't focus on what's here and now. I know all of this sounds selfish, but unless you have experienced it yourself, you will never know nor understand how I feel.

Just needed to get that out there. Thanks for listening.


Luna said...


NEver give up...once you do it will never happen...

Mana Dee said...

Hey Amber,

I know exactly how you feel. My husband and I have been trying since March 2006. We just celebrated our 3year anniversary. And 2 weeks ago we found out that my 17 year old brother and his girlfriend are pregnant. I am so upset about it. Its not fair. He is still in High School (a junior at that). Just wanted to say Im here if you want to talk.
