Tuesday, May 13, 2008

An update on life, in general

Well, it has been a while since I've posted- I want to apologize for not saying thank you for my comments. I haven't been on here in a while. THANK YOU to those who offered support with my last blog.

Things got better for a while, but they are back to being bad again. All I have to do is ask Chris what he's doing, and he flies off the handle at me, cussing, being smart, yelling. Tonight, I officially move back into the other room again. Maybe longer times away will help, but I don't know.

Jaycee was home for a while, sick. Bless her heart, she had about 4 teeth coming in at once, plus a severe cold. She was just plain miserable; however, she is back with us now and doing well. I took over taking care of her yesterday, and she is just so full of life. I love giving her a bath, feeding her her dinner, and playing with her. My favorite part is after I put her pajamas on after her bath, when she is all lotioned up and is soft and sweet, and I hold her in my arms and rock her as she drinks her bottle. That is my time with her, and it's just the two of us. she is truly a joy to have, and I love her forever.

I even got a mother's day gift from my sweet girl- a gift bag from Fudgey Nut! Yum yum!!!!!!!

Well, I guess that's it... just staying really sick with my Metformin right now (it is tearing my stomach in half- I am really miserable). And, I had to go to the chiropractor. Come to find out, I have double calcification in my ligaments in my back, which has formed a huge, painful knot... More on that later...

Hope all is well with everyone.