Monday, March 17, 2008

Just an update...

Tonight, I went to my first PCOS Meetup at Barnes and Noble. I was happy that several people showed up, but disappointed that still very few showed up from the group. I connected with a few people tonight, especially because so many of us have so much in common.

I am hopeful that this will spring up new friendships and support that I am missing in my life.

I am so glad to also know that I'm not the only one who feels the way I do about this stupid life-long condition.

Oh, and I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday with a new doctor. I am going to talk to him about all of my medications, getting back on track, and regulating every thing. I am hell bent on getting this stuff straight, and I think it is really going to help since it's just one doctor handling all my medication, instead of 3 doctors handling four to five meds.

It's spring break, so I'm sure I'll come up with more to talk about later.

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