Friday, March 28, 2008

So much going on...

So right now, I have so much going on my head is literally spinning! Jaycee has been with us for a little over a week, and I am loving every minute of having her. She has been sick the past few days, so getting up in the middle of the night has been tough, but we've actually been doing really well with it. I find myself waking up easily, which is strange, cuz I have always been the deepest sleeper on the face of the planet.

My mothering nature is kicking in big time. I wash bottles at night, pack her bags, organize laundry. It's actually a lot of fun! We are setting up a make-shift nursery for her for a while so she can be more comfortable. I have gotten TONS of donations from people at work for clothes, diapers, etc. It is amazing the response I've gotten. We have a baby bed and a port a crib, and a pack n play from a family friend. Can you believe this? We have so much... it's so great. Some other people at work are getting gift cards, clothes, etc. I mean, wow.

On another note, Chris joined a men's slow-pitch softball team this week. His first game is.. get this.. MONDAY! This coming Monday! Geez, Louise! We still have to find some cleats. We bought a glove tonight (yep, 30 bucks--so much money being spent and no more than normal coming in). I'm glad he's trying something new, though. It should prove to be very interesting, to say the least. =)

And finally, I've joined Liberty's Biggest Loser. We weigh in on Monday, and then the person who loses the most weight gets the pot, which is up to $560 dollars. We have 7 weeks- final weigh in is May 19. You can bet I want to win this money!!!!!! Wish me luck!

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